Friday 30 October 2015


The kid in darkness, waiting.
Past bedtime, waiting.

An assassin with darkness, waiting.
Lurking the hollows, waiting.

A mother dead.
Hopeless drops of rage.

The ground beneath, rattles.
So does the hiss of the rattle.

Silence. Rage. Darkness.

The kid in darkness, waiting.
Rage too, waiting.

A father slaughtered;
Face to door, hammered.

The kid in darkness, rises.
Rage too, rises.

The door swings; a cry of love.
The kid springs; a sigh of pain.

The kid in darkness, finds his dad.
The assassin with darkness, alive yet dead.

Love. Dilemma. Pain.

The assassin, breathless, pale and guilty.
The kid, bright like never before.

Rage an intense emotion. Immensely powerful. Not necessarily fury...

Saturday 24 October 2015

Pursuit of light : My right.

What have I done?
To be left blunt.
I reckon none,
To be deemed stunt.

Who art thou?
To cease my fuel,
Whilst I can run,
And perhaps, light thy fuel.

I pursue light,   
But I'm denied.
And in thirst,
I abide.

I seek some help,
Alas, I'm mocked.
I writhe in pain;
Hopelessly thinking:
Isn't light, my right...


The smallest help you did,
The cutest wave to a kid.

A help done at need,
A hand met when you bleed.

The memory as a seed.
with a smile as you breathe.

The sacrifice you did,
without regret upon the bid.

A drop of ink,
beside your links.

A task with trust, thrust upon.
A beast with honour, summoned upon.

A star you longed for,
entrains alongside your orbit.

You look back at the planet and smile,
No regrets at its prominent end.

Are you ?